Conscious coffee is cool
Imagine that each time you spend your money, it makes a difference. It’s better for the planet, people, and of course, for you - because you get premium coffee. It’s right when they say that acts of goodness create a ripple effect, with no extra cost.
When you buy fair-trade coffee, you directly make a difference in this world. Here’s what happens:
Prevention of child labour
Fair wages
Safe working conditions
Sustainable farming
Investment for better produce (better coffee for you!)
Photo by Rodrigo Flores on Unsplash
It’s true. One purchase, and you help a farmer support themselves and their community better. You help them uplift their family so they can educate their children instead of forcing them to lend a hand at work. You empower them and help them to live a better quality of life. You encourage them to further invest in their business, which means high-quality coffee for you.
Coffee beans that are not fairly traded have an increased risk of coffee bean farmers working in terrible working conditions and not getting fair wages. Because of this, they have limited money they can invest in farming and hence can’t match the level of fairly traded coffee beans.
Caring about people and being conscious about the coffee you buy is the aim of more and more local cafes and roasters. We aim to draw attention to and be a part of that.
Next time you order your long mac topped up, don’t be afraid to ask the “fair trade” question of the barista or cafe owner. They love talking about this stuff and often want their customers to know that they are helping to make a difference. If you think about it, your long mac topped up has 1 extra shot of fair trade coffee than a flat white, so consider yourself doing that little extra to help.